525,600 Minutes
And so, little me turns 28 today, on the 28th. I like 28. It rolls off my tongue. Say it with me – “Twenty-eight”. And again – “Twenty-eight”. As I reflect on another year gone by, I realise that perhaps these two songs best sum up my thoughts on the past year and on turning 28.
Indeed, how do you measure a year? How does one measure 525,600 minutes? What have I done or achieved with my 525,600 minutes? It’s true that I’ve learned a little, cried a little, burned a few bridges (by accident) and also died a little. Click here for the lyrics.
In reflecting on how I’ve spent my 525,600 minutes, this next song says it all. I am like each of the persons in the clip. (Warning - Contains graphic scenes that may be disturbing for some viewers)
‘Grace Like Rain’ – By Todd Agnew
I am Judas who accepted the silver coins
and who betrayed Jesus with a kiss.
I am the woman caught in adultery, saved by Jesus from being stoned.
I am the High Priest who questioned what Jesus taught
and who he claimed to be.
And I am Peter who denied Jesus three times before the crowd.
I am Pontius Pilate who washed his hands off Jesus
and wanted nothing more to do with him.
I am the Roman soldier who whipped Jesus.
I am Simon of Cyrene, who carried the cross reluctantly for Jesus.
Yet, even so, Jesus, my lover, resurrects from death to offer me mercy,
grace and hope in spite of all the pain I’ve caused him.
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