Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Losing My Religion

It's amazing how some songs never seem to lose their relevance in spite the passing of time. This is one of those songs for me at the moment.

I was reading John 21:14-22 this morning where Jesus asked Simon Peter three times whether he loved him (Jesus). Jesus then indicated to Peter that by following him, Peter's future would eventually lead to him becoming a martyr for Christ. Now, that's pretty full-on, if somebody were to reveal to you your destiny - and it turns out to be a pretty gruesome one. Yet Peter didn't seem to flinch a single bit. Perhaps Peter did not fully realise the significance of what Jesus had just said to him.

Peter then asked Jesus about John's future - another disciple of Jesus. And Jesus responded with a counter-question that applied not only to Peter back then but also today to everyone who is a follower of Jesus. Jesus' reply to Peter was, "If I want him to remain alive... what is that to you? You must follow ME."

Sometimes the actions, choices, experiences and decisions of other people can have a profound impact on us and make us question our own convictions and decisions about various things in life, even our own relationship with Jesus. At least that's what I've found in my own life.

Yet, in his statement, Jesus was essentially saying, "Don't worry about what happens in other people's lives. Your task as a believer in me is to keep following me steadfastedly. I am interested in you and you alone and in your response to ME."

And, admittedly, this can be extremely difficult especially when you forsee your destiny to be a less than ideal one compared to others (at least according to what society says), or you're in the midst of not even knowing what your destiny is, or you're in the midst of such impenetrable, hopeless confusion that you just wonder what the point of it all is in continuing. And that is when think you're at breaking point, when you think you've reached the end of your tether or are at least close to reaching the end of it.

That's why this song still has such relevance to me even after all these years. I guess some things never change in my life.

If the YouTube link does not work, click here to go to IFILM's website to watch the video clip to 'Losing My Religion'. Click on 'Watch Now!' to bring up the video clip. This works best if you have broadband Internet connection. If you've got a dial-up Internet connection, it may take a while.